Friday, May 22, 2015

First Impressions: Divorce Lawyers (Chinese Drama)

After an extremely hectic 3 months, I'm gradually getting back into my drama and variety show game in terms of both watching and blogging. I'll be updating in the next week with some quick thoughts on some shows I've recently picked up (Divorce Lawyers in this post, Orange Marmalade, The Girl Who Sees Smells, Warm & Cozy) and some closing thoughts on Healer and Roommate.

If there ever was a pop culture oxymoron, here it is: Divorce Lawyers is a good mainland Chinese romantic comedy. (Not to be confused with the Korean drama, Divorce Lawyers in Love, which I have never watched and haven't heard about much either, but as far as I can tell, the two are not related.) I know! It's crazy! But it's true! And not only is it a good drama, it's a very good drama. I first chanced on this show on my recent trip back to China. Because there's nothing for me do at my grandparents' house, my mom and I often kick back to whatever we can find on TV, which are extremely rare moments, so I treasure times like this even when there's nothing but insipid war dramas on TV. But this time, we happened to find a show - this show - that was actually really funny, endearing, and enjoyed by both my mom and I.